There and now

Empowering national believers to train church planters and reach their regions faster for the gospel.

Right now there are 3 billion unreached people that have no access to the gospel.

Among those, around 150,000 die each day without knowing Jesus.

Bible translation and disciple-making are most effective when led by those who know the culture intimately.

Jesus lived it. The apostles modeled it. Missionaries spread it.

Now, it's time for the next wave: National believers are reaching their own communities faster and more effectively—and you can empower them there and now

The most effective solutions in the missions world are locally-led. The quickest church planters to train are locally-sourced. 

Experienced national church planters are training national church planters, accelerating the spread of the gospel.

Did You know?

Why is this so important?

  • National believers understand the language and cultural nuances, allowing them to share the gospel quicker and more accurately.

  • They can plant churches and make disciples with an authentic connection that foreign missionaries might take years to establish.

  • There are many national, local believers eager and ready to be trained. Additionally, funding is needed for the local training leaders.

Local, national Church planters

National believers can start planting churches almost immediately, with converts ready to multiply.

Nationals training a local pastor in most unreached people groups costs significantly less. Training these local believers can range from $500-$1500 one time gift compared to thousands of dollars continuing monthly for American missionary families (ranging $8-10k per month).

Reach the unreached. There and now.
